Here’s a not-so-well-kept secret about my journey in Asia this year: I’ve been looking for a “home” of sorts. I’m not so sure that means a “permanent” home, but seeing as my time in Asia has no end-date set and I’m not exactly much of an enthusiastic non-stop tourist, I have been on the lookout for a place I could settle for long periods at a time to work on my goals for this time-away-from-career.
I wasn’t at all expecting to find it in KK (Kota Kinabalu) during my two week stay, but here I am in Singapore writing this post on my way back to spend a full month there.
Much of the credit goes to Crossfit as an enabler; that part of my pre-trip life that has brought me the unexpected dividends of connection, community, and comfort in foreign places and lonely moments. It took me two attempts to reach the box (X45 Fitness) because I refuse to pay for cabs if I don’t have to. My first attempt landed me on a 2.5 - 3 hour bus journey taking me to another land beyond the reach of english but full of kind smiles and laughter at the silly foreigner riding on the wrong bus. (Google maps is almost entirely useless in this region, FYI. I almost want to petition them for a job to correct some of these crazy mistakes.)
The next day I did my due diligence, which is to ask at least 3 or 4 people and then take the answer that is given most frequently. I got off at the right bus stop (Likas Square) and hiked up the slight hill to the box where I was greeted by an energetic and friendly coach, Kevin, who would end up becoming a great friend over the course of the next two weeks. I was in luck! There was a free weightlifting class going on every night for two weeks and I was catching the tail end of it, so I would get to spend the next two nights working on lifts with the awesome Kirksman Teo, the world-traveling weightlifting coach!
I love lifting and I love free. Plus, it was either that or do “Karen” (150 wall balls for time); Not a tough choice.
It was during the first night I met Esther, an awesome mom of 2, who offered to take me back to my hostel and also invited me to a potluck dinner that weekend!
This kind gesture was repeated many times over the course of my stay. In fact, I only took the bus to Crossfit one more time and that was when I made Kevin try it for an adventure. Poor Kevin. (#krankykevin)
There were other visitors to the box: Ken & Louise from Manila (Crossfit Alpha Strike!!), and so we ended up doing all sorts of activities together, including the big potluck at Esther’s house.
We visited Kionsom waterfall about 30 minutes drive from KK that you can jump off of. It had rained like crazytown the night before, so the water was muddy. Faith and Louise stayed out of the water saying “you never know what’s in there”. Dan, Ken, Kevin, Sarah (Kevin’s sister), and I took turns jumping from from the rocks.
Now, after my second jump I felt what seemed like a large fish swim past me against my thigh and I yelled out. Kevin looked over at me and said “You felt that too?!”
“Yeah, ugh I hate that!” I said.
It gave me the willies but I quickly forgot about it. It was a few days later that Dan told me he didn’t want to say before, but he was certain it had been a python because both Kevin and I felt the “fish” at the same time, we were several feet away from one another, and that there aren’t fish in that pool ever.
I have no idea if Dan is pulling my leg or what, ‘cause he most certainly is the type and I most certainly am gullible, but once he mentioned it, it fit.
The potluck was awesome. Everyone from the box was there, and there was lots of local food to try, as well as the Malaysian staple: KFC.
The next day I went out to sunset drinks with a few ladies from the box: Esther, Sam, and Nana, and Nana’s daughter at the very fancy and well-situated hotel where Sam works.
Then we met up with some others for “steamboat” for dinner (hot pot). This is an all-you-can-eat situation where there is a boiling pot of broth and you go in and get the vegetables and meats that you want and you cook up what you want. If I lived there, I would go there at least once a week.
I was also celebrating my 32nd birthday while in KK, so I had used some of my Starwood AMEX points to reserve myself a room at Le Meridien to experience some luxury (you know, my own room and a BATHTUB!!) on my birthday. I had completely written off my birthday as a thing, and was totally fine with it being just another day, but KK had quite another idea about the matter! I had no idea what I was in for.
When I arrived at the hotel, they directed me to the cafe and had me choose a piece of cake and cocktail because my room wasn’t ready yet and it was my birthday. I chose some amazing red velvet cheesecake of some sort and a margarita.
They took my photo and sang to me and then came and gave me 3 “framed” pictures!
Then I went up to my room to find a “Happy Birthday” sign on the wall and TWO more fancy cakes and a card welcoming me to the hotel.
That night after Crossfit, Kevin took me to a farewell party of one of his friends. I was able to meet a bunch of great people, including another Laura (There are lots of Lauras in KK)!
And got to arm wrestle this guy:
When I got back to my room, you better believe there was MORE CAKE left on my desk and another nice card. Boy howdy, somebody wants a promotion or wants me to gain 10 pounds.
The next day, Kevin picked me up from the hotel to take me to get a super-meaty birthday lunch (because I’m always complaining about lack of protein in Asia).
There were ribs and there was MORE yummy CAKE!
That evening after the birthday WOD and a shower, I came out to fill my water bottle and the lights went out . . . And everyone sang happy birthday and there was MORE CAKE! Lol. It was excellent cake, too!
I went out to dinner with several of my new friends, but didn’t stay up too late because the next day Kevin was taking me to Sapi island!
As it was my last full day in KK, I struggled a bit with some sadness, but it was a great day in the sun. We had great conversations complimented by a yummy picnic of sardine and tuna sandwiches with beer.
We also did a zipline that goes between two islands! I don’t think I had done a zipline before this, actually.
It’s tough to see here, but this is the zipline:
That night I was so exhausted I fell asleep at the box waiting for the workout to start! Thankfully, I was not alone in needing a bit of an active recovery day. Esther came in just to do some swimming, which caused a chain reaction, leading a bunch of us to all go out back and jump in the pool! It was standing there in the pool, talking with my new friends that I felt that culmination of satisfaction and peace and gratitude and knew that I just had to come back.
I love x45 as a Crossfit box and as a community. I love KK’s energy and friendly culture where I feel like I can be myself. And the food isn’t half bad either.
And so . . . Not only am I going to spend another full month in KK working out with the x45 community, working on my book & music, and exploring more of KK with new friends, but I’m also coming back in September to hike Mt. Kinabalu with Kevin and his sisters!
Thanks again, KK; the pleasantest of surprises. It ain't over yet!
And for those interested, here’s an update on my reading goal for the year w/ ratings:
(Progress on goal of 52 books this year: 26)
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues by Tom Robbins (****)
Lady Chatterly’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence (****)
Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence (****)
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (****)
Madame Bovary by Gustav Flaubert (***)
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells (***)
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells (***)
An Accidental Family (or The Adolescent) by Fyodor Dostoevsky (**)